Best Pulmonologist In Delhi
Getting a good Pulmonologist on time can save many lives. We often try to ignore problems that are associated with our respiratory system. One must consult a Pulmonologist if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms daily:
- Breathing difficulties
- Frequent and persistent Cough (Dry/wet)
- Producing mucoid or blood in sputum while coughing
- Severe breathing difficulties while doing activities of daily living.
- Sudden weight loss without any reason
Getting treated for these type of serious and persistent symptoms not only benefit our health and life but also the lives of our close ones as many of the diseases caused by this are transmissible..
Best Pulmonologist in Delhi
When you are affected by respiratory problems or are experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms, you need to consult a Pulmonologist or respiratory specialist. Dr. Sanchayan Roy is a pulmonologist or respiratory specialist with many years of experience. With his versatile expertise, skill and experience he provides a thorough clinical assessment and expertise to provide wide range of pulmonary care for the people.
What Diseases Does a Pulmonologist Treat?
A pulmonologist or respiratory specialist treats diseases related to the respiratory system of our body. Some of the examples are as follows:
Bronchial Asthma:-
It is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways in our lungs . It leads to periodic, episodic and recurrent swelling in these airways which makes the pathway swell and become too thin, triggered by certain inciting factors, leading to release of certain chemicals causing inflammation. Thus one experiences chest tightness, wheezing while breathing along with coughing, shortness of breath and heaviness in the chest. Dr. Sanchyan Roy is one of the best asthma doctor in Delhi.
Acute and Chronic Bronchitis:-
It is inflammation or swelling of the bronchi. The swollen and inflamed passage makes air movement difficult leading to uncomfortable breathing with release of secretions.. Bronchitis is always associated with coughing that produces mucus and eventually leads to thickening of the airways and bronchioles.
Interstitial lungs disease (ILD):-
It is a rare disease that affects the interstitial part of the lungs. This can happen from inflammation, scarring, or a build-up fluid. Its symptoms can be dry cough and progressive shortness of breath. It leads to formation of irreversible fibrosis, scarring and stiffness of the lungs over a period of time.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD ):-
It is a chronic obstructive lung disease as airflow limitation is not fully reversible and is caused due to chronic smoking and other irritants. It is associated with an abnormal respiratory response during the prolonged exposure to these irritants leading to structural damage to lungs. Symptoms include chest discomfort, cough, progressive shortness of breath and wheezing.
Tuberculosis (TB):-
It is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and spread by the droplet infection from the infected persons. The incubation period is about 2 -10 weeks. The symptoms include chronic cough, low grade fever, haemoptysis and weight loss.
Cystic fibrosis ( CF ):-
It is a rare genetic disorder that mostly affects the lungs. The body produces thicker and sticky mucus than normal. The thick mucus clogs and obstructs various organs. The symptoms are wheezing, shortness of breath, and persistent coughing.
What Can You Expect As a Visit to Best Respiratory Therapist in Delhi?
First, you’ll need to tell your pulmonologist about all the symptoms you are having without missing out on any symptom considering it as a minor one. Then you’ll need to undergo certain investigations like X-ray or CT scan of the chest along with a blood or sputum test. As per your reports, the doctor will inform you about the reason for your discomfort. They can even suggest further advanced procedures like bronchoscopy, biopsy, pulmonary function test etc. for getting the details of your problem.
However, even the best pulmonologist in Delhi require a professional clinical approach combined with modern and latest, innovative investigations to provide the best possible treatment plan
Factors To Consider Before Proceeding To The Chest Specialist Doctor in Delhi
Chest related problems are very tough to diagnose by people in their early stages. Since it can arise easily in anybody irrespective of their age, immunity, or work-life because of various reasons like infection, pollution , consumption of improper diet and certain habits like chronic smoking.
We should refer to a good chest specialist if we experience any of the following symptoms frequently:
Tightening of muscles around the chest
- Sharp pain ranging from your chest to neck, shoulders, or arms.
- Experiencing sharp pains in the chest region that worsens on breathing or coughing
- Shortness of breath while doing normal work like walking, speaking, or stretching.
- Production of sputum with or without blood
Best Lung specialist in Delhi
Lungs are the most vital parts of our body when it comes to the respiratory process. Proper care of the lungs is essential for breathing properly. No one should be ignorant of problems related to our respiratory system especially, lungs.You must refer a Lung specialist if you’re having any of the following symptoms:
- Trouble in breathing
- Shortness of breath while speaking or walking
- Feeling uneasy while expelling out air
- Having cough with blood or mucus
- Wanting more air to breathe in
We should quickly get treated by a lung specialist as soon as possible since it can save a huge amount of time, money, and energy.
Factors You Need To Observe By The Lung Specialist Doctors
Whenever you’re having persistent problems in breathing or experiencing any of the above symptoms, you need to visit a lung specialist. Dr. Sanchayan Roy is an experienced specialist in lung related disorders who has treated lots of people over the years with his expertise in this field. His use of modern equipment and technology has made treatment easy and simple.
What diseases does a Lung specialist treat?
Lung related diseases are the most common in the world caused by smoking, air pollution, or one’s genes. Some of the diseases that a Lung specialist can treat are as follows:
- Lung related malignancies – It is cancer that attacks the lungs and can be seen commonly in people who smoke regularly. The cancer cells can spread to any part of the respiratory system and form tumors. Some symptoms include recurrant coughing with sputum mixed with blood, sudden weight loss, pain in the ribs, loss of appetite, and frequent tiredness.
- Bronchitis – is inflammation or swelling of the bronchi. The swollen and inflamed passage makes air movement difficult leading to uncomfortable breathing. Bronchitis is always associated with coughing that produces mucus.
- Interstitial lungs disease (ILD) – is a rare disease that affects the interstitial part of the lungs. ILD causes thickening of interstitium. This can happen from inflammation, scarring, or a build-up of fluid in the affected regions. Its symptoms can be dry cough, dizziness, and shortness of breath.
One can avoid these types of serious problems if they avoid smoking. But still owing to the increase in the level of air pollution nowadays, we must refer to a specialist in lung diseases in case of any prolonged difficulty.
What Can You Happen In a Visit?
First, you need to share all the abnormal symptoms related to breathing with your lung specialist. Talk about your habits of smoking (if you are into it), the quality of the air you breathe, and any other factor which can be the reason for those symptoms. Then the specialist can conduct tests such as chest x-ray or scan to check the condition of your lungs, blood tests to see your sugar levels, and some more advanced tests depending upon your condition.
Why do you need a Lung specialist?
Lungs are the most important part of our respiratory system since it heads the process of purification of air. Thus it needs special attention in case of an issue. So you must go to a Lung specialist who’s professional in this field, to accurately diagnose the problem and plan the management and gradual recovery from the disease.
A good Lung specialist must have good communication skills to make the patients feel at ease while discussing their problems. Along with their clinical skills they adopt latest and modern methodology to diagnose, treat and manage complicated cases.
Ignoring these symptoms, thinking of them as minor issues can prove very fatal as they are associated with one of the main organs of the human body. Thus it is advised to get yourself checked as soon as these symptoms develop to increase the chances of getting rid of them and treating the complications arising out of them.
Why Choose Us As Chest Specialist in Delhi
Having more than 13 years of experience and having treated a huge number of people during this period, Dr. Sanchayan Roy has not only helped the patients physically but also emotionally. He believes that while treating a disease, the most important factor is a friendly and supportive environment. He provides a balanced and comprehensive service to his patients while dealing with their problems. He is not just only a respiratory therapist in Delhi but also provide treatment for diabetes and brain treatment.